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How to gain weight

 How to gain weight

How to gain weight


Most of the people have skiny body and they try to find many ways to weight gain. We will telling you the best steps to gain
weight around more then 5kg.There are some steps which help you in weight gaining in minimum days.

1.Nutrient-Dense Foods

Nutrient-Dense Foods

You need to consume that food which is rich in nutrients.In some reaserches that found that the nutrient rich foods have Minerals,Vitamins,Antioxidants, and other beneficial materials in concentrated amount.

This types of foods provide you much calories and maximum energy in your body some energy consumed during work and remaining energy left in your body which help you to gain a proper weight.There are some examples of food having Nutrient dence food- Leafy green, berries,nuts,seeds,whole green,lean protein.

2.Protein Intake

This is the curial for your body's growth,your body's repair and maintaine your body in a greatful way.Protein intaking help in muscle's development,aids in weight,and boost metabolism activities.

Protien composed of building blocks in tissues,enzymes, muscles and harmones.NOTE- Protien maintainance in a body is much cumpolsory if this disbalance this can be harm your body.Overallthis supports the health and various body function. There are some examples you need to intake-meat,egg,dairyand legumes.

 3.Stength Training

Physical activities also play a major role in gaining weight.A proper training can increase your muscles power,endurance,and strength.The main purpose of the trining is to be improve fitness in your body. You can joion your local GYM to take proper training under the guidence of trainer/coach.



The main purpose of hydration is to be provide you a proper funcionally body. In this process your body need to be enough fluid,typically water to maintain body functions.You can see that peoples chalanging on social media is to survive in ice water,that is called hydration.

5.Limit Empty Calories

Limit Empty Calories

This maintaining the healthy deit and balancing your body.

You can add sugar and fats under the proper guidence by different ways.There are some important food you need to be consume which help you to increse your body weight-fruits,vegetables,lean protein and whole grains.


There are 5 steps to gain weight which is above mentioned you need to follow these steps and proper guidlines which help in you to incease your body weight.

Thank you 


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